Counos Decentralized Exchange

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Instant. Secure. Private.

Trade cryptocurrencies in 248 countries including Greece View all offers

DEX Features

Peer 2 Peer

Facilitating Peer-to-Peer offers and transactions without involving third parties.
Fiat Money Support

We support the most common fiat money and payment methods in the offers and contracts.
Fast and Secure Contracts

Counos DEX guarantees the safety of global online exchanges via Escrow based contracts with trusted agents, Multisig wallets and Counos SSO (Single Sign On).
User Scores

We will analyze the user behaviors and calculate their scores within 1-5 stars to help you make a better decision.
New Offer Alarm

You can set an alarm on specific market to inform you when a new offer has been created.
Realtime Chat

Dealers can communicate with a fast and Counos secure messaging infrastructure.
Counos Services

Counos platform provides various and different services with trusted license and certificate.
Great Support

Counos DEX actively answers to your questions via supported touchpoints 24/7.
Plan Packages

All the costs of Dex Package are stored as the mechanism to guarantee making real trades, and every user can completely return his/her paid deposit for Dex Package to his/her account. Your account features are made based on active your plan package.

How it works?

1 Signing up at the website and authentication
after registration all users are issued a Mnemonic Passphrase, which is extremely important and will be used in important operations such as all withdrawals. Keep in mind that this passphrase is irretrievable, so make sure to store and keep it safely.
2 Creating a sale offer or purchase order using your user account, or buying directly from the already created offers.
3 The seller sends the cryptocurrency to the MultiSig wallet.
4 he buyer sends the money directly to the seller account.
5 Finalize the transaction
After making the transaction, the buyer uploads the receipt of the transaction on the website. Afterward, the seller will confirm that he has received the payment, so that the cryptocurrency held in the MultiSig wallet becomes free to withdraw. Since a MultiSig wallet is used, at least two private keys are needed to access the balance of the wallet and in this way the security of the trade is guaranteed.
6 Finally, the buyer uses his Mnemonic Passphrase to withdraw the purchased cryptocurrency and that is the end of the trade.
Market Size Price Minimum
XBT / CCA lis_8615
1,000 XBT
0.055 CCA
1 CCA = 18.1818181818 XBT
0.5 XBT Buy
CCA / BTC bos_12373
900 CCA
0.0000029949 BTC
1 BTC = 333,900.964973789 CCA
9 CCA Buy
CCA / USDT fqu_9133
24,570 CCA
0.1776099561 USDT
1 USDT = 5.6303150001 CCA
24,570 CCA Buy
CCH / USDT kha_8254
990 CCH
0.8880497805 USDT
1 USDT = 1.126063 CCH
990 CCH Buy
XBT / BTC atd_8657
9,900 XBT
0.0000001647 BTC
1 BTC = 6,071,645.41590771 XBT
7,000 XBT Buy
CCH / BTC bos_12373
0.00000546 CCH
0.0000224614 BTC
1 BTC = 44,520.8223886312 CCH
0.00000006 CCH Buy
CCH / USD bos_12373
0.00000546 CCH
1 USD = 1 CCH
0.00000046 CCH Buy
CCH / BTC bos_12373
0.00000546 CCH
0.0000149743 BTC
1 BTC = 66,781.0849255057 CCH
0.00000046 CCH Buy
CCH / USD bos_12373
0.00000546 CCH
1 USD = 1 CCH
0.0000004 CCH Buy
CCA / USD bos_12373
900 CCA
0.2 USD
1 USD = 5 CCA
500 CCA Buy

Search Offers in Greece

Owner Market Amount Price
USDT / CCA 1,000 USDT 350 CCA

DEX Packages

  • Silver

  • Features:
  • Max Cuncurrent Offers 10
    Max offer size up to (Equivalent) $5,000
    Offers in Top Search Yes +1
    Set Alarm On A Market Offers Yes
    Automatic Update Offer Price Yes
    Show as Special Offer No

  • Minimum Deposit:
  • No deposit required
  • Golden

  • Features:
  • Max Cuncurrent Offers 50
    Max offer size up to (Equivalent) $100,000
    Offers in Top Search Yes +3
    Set Alarm On A Market Offers Yes
    Automatic Update Offer Price Yes
    Show as Special Offer No

  • Minimum Deposit:
  • Required Deposit (Equivalent): $5,000
  • Diamond

  • Features:
  • Max Cuncurrent Offers Unlimited
    Max offer size up to (Equivalent) Unlimited
    Offers in Top Search Yes +5
    Set Alarm On A Market Offers Yes
    Automatic Update Offer Price Yes
    Show as Special Offer Yes

  • Minimum Deposit:
  • Required Deposit (Equivalent): $100,000

Stock Price Statistics

About DEX

  • Trade All Major Cryptocurrencies in a Blockchain-based Peer-to-Peer Platform

    Counos decentralized Exchange is an all-in-one platform for trading cryptocurrencies. The users can sell a wide variety of their cryptocurrencies or take measure in buying directly from other different users via Offer board at Counos.

  • Guaranteeing Real Trades

    One of the biggest criticisms of decentralized exchanges can be the existence of fake trades and fake buying and selling requests. Through offering Dex Package, Counos has removed this problem. The users can buy one of Counos Dex packages as the deposit according to the degree of their cryptocurrency buying and selling. This charge is received just as the guarantee for the real trades of the users and all the users can return all the money they have paid to receive the package.

  • Limitless Trading

    There is no limitation at Counos decentralized exchange to create different sale offers or enter the trades to buy them.

  • The Most Secure Way to Do the Trades

    Using Escrow, Counos will not give the final verification until the final verification is announced on the part of two trading parties. Applying Multisig service in Blockchain technology, the final verification will be preceded by the buyer and seller’s agreement.

  • Supporting All Credible Cryptocurrencies of the World

    Credible cryptocurrencies of the world, such as Bitcoin, Counos Coin, and Ethereum, will be supported at Counos Exchange.

  • Involving in the Trades via Fiat Currencies

    In addition to making trades through cryptocurrencies, at Counos, fiat currencies such as USD, CAD, Swiss franc, and Euro can be used for selling or buying in the trades.

  • How Does It Work?

    The trades are very much easy and secure at Counos decentralized exchange. Using Counos integrated and secured Single Sign-On (SSO) service, you can employ all the services of the Counos all-in-one platform.

  • User Registration

    Counos Dex intends to avoid common frauds at centralized exchanges through offering cryptocurrency trades and fiat money in a peer-to-peer manner. At the decentralized exchange, every user can do his/her trades without transferring money from a central account directly; however, the existence of fake trades caused decentralized exchanges to face numerous problems. Considering the fact that there is no need to pay money to the central accounts of the exchange to make trades, many robots or users address making fake trades at decentralized exchanges to do fraudulent acts in the trades.
    Now your account is finally verified. You can observe your user account in the Basic Info section.

  • What is Dex Package?

    User registration is a necessity with high priority at Counos integrated Single Sign-On service; however, the users can sign in through their user information in Google and Facebook too. Enter the user page through Sign in option. In case you have Google or Facebook account, you can directly enter the Counos Platform; otherwise, by entering an email address and selecting an appropriate password, the first stage of the registration process finishes. For the final verification of the registration process, an email including the activation code is sent to your email address. Opening your email inbox, enter the sent code in the field of the registration page.
    Counos has started introducing a new algorithm to prevent making fake trades. The users need providing one of Dex Packages to enter the trades. These packages can be provided appropriate for the financial budget of the trades. But it should be attended that no paid money will be stored as the Counos Dex budget to provide Dex Packages. All the costs of Dex Package are stored as the mechanism to guarantee making real trades, and every user can completely return his/her paid money for Dex Package to his/her account. This mechanism can secure Counos Dex in addition to avoiding fake trades by the users.

  • Creating an Offer

    Choose the Create Offer option on top of the main page. Choose the cryptocurrency you like to change or sell in From field on this page. In To field, you select the cryptocurrency or the fiat money you intend to finally trade with. Enter your offering price as per each unit of cryptocurrency you have chosen in the first field. Enter the minimum amount of accepting the purchase in the second field. In the last field, you will specify the total amount of the sale, and your trade will be registered in the Offer Board as soon as you select the Get Started option.

    • To create an offer you must provide one of the Dex packages.
    • To trade via fiat money, the users should have the second stage of KYC.